Under the auspices of

Countdown to EHC 2024



François Laurens,
President of ISHS

Welcome to the Vth European Horticulture Congress in Bucharest!

After four Symposia for Horticulture in Europe (SHE) in Austria (2008), France (2012), Greece (2016) and Germany (online in 2021 due to the covid), we decided to change the name of our ISHS European big events in ”European Horticulture Congress” (EHC).  It is more than a name change, this highlights the great ambition we wish to put in this continental event.

EHC will fit perfectly with the strategic goals the new ISHS board identified recently for the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). The first one is to be recognized as the global leader in the exchange of scientific research and knowledge on horticultural innovation. With its 10 scientific symposia, EHC will meet this important goal and address the numerous issues facing Horticulture.  ISHS also aims to  strengthen and leverage its member network and partnerships and also improve its visibility in the global professional network. This is also one aim of EHC which will gather at least 1000 attendees from most European countries, scientists, teachers, and engineers from both academic and industry sectors representing different disciplines, working on many horticultural crops. EHC will provide the organization and infrastructure for them to meet, present their last results, think, debate…  Our sector is both responsible for a part of the issue we are facing right now as well as is able to bring concrete, serious and quick solutions: EHC will contribute to work about what Horticulture should become tomorrow.  I would also like to welcome EHC effort to encourage young minds to actively participate thanks in particular to very attractive registration fees but also incentives to involve them in the scientific organization of the congress. This fits also with one of the strategic goal of ISHS to better welcome students and early career professionals in our community by training, mentoring, supervising them.

The social program and technical and touristical tours are very attractive : don’t miss them; it will give you insights  of the Romanian horticulture industry and allow you to  enjoy the beauty of this great country, Romania.

By experience I know how difficult and challenging it is to organize such a big event. So, on behalf of the ISHS board, I’d like to thank very much Prof Florin Stanica  for chairing EHC2024 and all the people who help with the scientific program and  the general organization of the congress.

We wish you great success.


Florin Stanică
President of EHC 2024

The V European Horticulture Congress is a major event addressing issues facing horticulture in the current turbulent times. “European Horticulture at the Crossroads” is not only a title, but is a reflection of current realities. Climate change, energy crises, war, market fluidity, competition, labour force scarcity, new pests and diseases, pollution etc. are only a few of the current challenges that we need to face and find solutions for. Sustainability, resilience, biodiversity, agroecology, circularity, green cities, genetic resistance, robotics and mechanization, production efficiency, are buzz words that define the wide spectrum of fields in which we all work.

Within the 10 Symposia in this Congress, science and innovation will meet industry, farmland and nature in an open dialogue about why, when and how we can and need to work together for the sustainable development of European and World Horticulture.

The International Society of Horticultural Science provides a framework for putting our knowledge, resources and energy together through its partnership on this Congress.

We are pleased to welcome you to Bucharest in May 2024 to share, to learn and to plan for the future of European horticulture!

Discover the symposia of the 2024 Edition

01 - History of Horticulture in Europe

History of Horticulture in Europe The first international symposium on the History of Horticulture in Europe invites you to recover the past, for understanding the present and to highlight the future of horticulture. It will bring details on the formation, existence and development of the National Horticulture Societies/Associations and the...

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02 - Sustainable Vegetable Production from Seed to Health Booster Sources

Sustainable Vegetable Production from Seed to Health Booster Sources Among the world production of primary crops, vegetable production has a share of 12% after cereals and sugar crops while the value of vegetable production accounted for 20% of the total in 2020. The increasing value and amount of production are...

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03 - Fruit Production Systems for Sustainable and Resilient Development

Fruit Production Systems for Sustainable and Resilient Development The European Fruit Production sector is in recent years under serious threats: climate change, (unfair) competition from other continents, manpower crisis, big number of new untested cultivars, high pressure of new pests and diseases, reduction of plant protection molecules, uneven playing field...

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04 - Viticulture and Winemaking between Tradition and Innovation

S04. Viticulture and Winemaking between Tradition and Innovation In accordance with the strategy of the International Organization of Wine and Vine, this symposium proposes several topics related to the traditional viticulture and oenology, but it is especially open to the new developments and innovations, having a particular focus on sustainability...

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05 - Berries Between Opportunities and Challenges

S05. Berries Between Opportunities and Challenges Many steps forward have been done so far in berry research and practices. The increasing demand and high expectations from consumers and industry, in an accelerated dynamic of changings context, need to be tackled in a holistic approach with contribution from all actors involved...

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06 - Ornamental Horticulture for the Service of Society

Ornamental Horticulture for the Service of Society Conveners: Margherita BERUTO, Erzsebet BUTA, Sandra GONÇALVES The S06 symposium is aimed at evaluating how the ornamental horticulture industry could impact the sustainability of the European society under the economic, social, and environmental aspects. The European Ornamental industry must face important challenges related...

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07 - Urban horticulture: from vertical farming to planting design

Urban horticulture: from vertical farming to planting design The number of people living in urban and peri-urban areas are increasing world-wide. Consumers demand year-round healthy, tasty, and affordable food that is produced sustainably. This puts further demand on our food system. How can we produce fresh fruits and vegetables that...

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08 - Genetic Resources in Horticulture: screening, propagation, use, and conservation

S08. Genetic Resources in Horticulture: screening, propagation, use and conservation The great diversity of genotypes represents a major challenge for the scientific community to find effective methods of identification and selection of individuals possessing characteristics adapted to the constantly changing climate conditions and also having nutritional and curative properties to...

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09 - Robotics, mechanization and smart horticulture

S09. Robotics, mechanization and smart horticulture This symposium will capture the latest methodological developments and applications in robotics, mechanization, and smart horticulture. Research related to technologies that aid in fine-tuning crop production practices are welcome. Specific focus is given to technologies for site-specific weather and crop monitoring, controlling light use,...

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10 - Postharvest and horticultural products quality

S10. POSTHARVEST AND HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS QUALITY Postharvest is an essential link between horticultural production and the market and final consumer. There are so many aspects related to postharvest with a major influence on the final product quality, that have to be discussed. Our symposium will provide an excellent opportunity for...

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Keynote speakers

Paolo Inglese

Full Professor of Horticulture at the Università degli Studi di Palermo since 2000, where he has served as Pro Rector and  chair the Courses of “Agricultural Science and Technology and Food Science and Technology in the   University of Palermo since 2009. He is also served as Director of the Museum...

Francesca Neonato

Founding partner of PN Studio PROGETTO NATURA conducts environmental consultancy andlandscape design, also in an international context, in particular parks, green facilities,ecological networks, regenerative agriculture and landscape restoration. She has developed ahigh experience in Healing gardens design.AIAPP (Italian Association of Landscape Architecture) member from 1992, she is delegatedfor the traditional...

Xiloyannis Cristos

Born in Greece, graduated in Agricultural Sciences in 1972 at the University of Pisa (Italy) where he worked until 1989. In 1974 Master's degree at the Sant'Anna University of Pisa. In 1980 PhD at the University of Padua. From 1990 to 2018 he worked as full professor at the University...


Full Professor of Horticulture at the Università degli Studi di Palermo since 2000, where he has served as Pro Rector and  chair the Courses of “Agricultural Science and Technology and Food Science and Technology in the   University of Palermo since 2009. He is also served as Director of the Museum...

Gheorghe Glăman

Gheorghe Glăman, graduate of the Faculty of Horticulture from Iasi (1968). Doctorate at the University of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences in Bucharest (1994). Production activity (30 years) and 11 years in the state administration. In parallel, teaching in university (1993-2015), full university professor (1998).Together with 69 horticulturists, re-founded on April...

Cristian Anița

Cristian Anița is the Director of the National Archives of Romania, where he also has been Head ofthe Administrative and Cultural Archives Department and Head of the Control, Analysis, Synthesisand Public Policy Department. A historian with a PhD from "George Barițiu" Institute of History, Cluj-Napoca. Also, member of the Doctoral...

Francisco Pérez-Alfocea

Research Professor and head of the group of Plant Hormones at the Department of Plant Nutrition of CEBAS-CSIC, Murcia, Spain. A main research objective is the prospection, identification and use of the genetic variability of Solanum sp for developing new rootstocks for improving (i) yield stability under abiotic stresses like...

Jana Zinkernagel

Jana Zinkernagel (née Schaller) Professor and Head of Institute of Vegetable Crops at the Geisenheim University, Germany Coordinator of the WG Fertilization & Irrigation of the European Vegetable Research InstitutesNetwork (EUVRIN) since 2019 Board member of the Society of German Horticultural Science from 2011-2019 Fields of research & interests: Hydro...

Gregory Lang

Gregory Lang is a Professor of Tree Fruit Physiology at Michigan State University, a Fellow of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS), and the Education Director for the International Fruit Tree Association (IFTA). He holds a BSc from University of Georgia and an MSc (Pomology) and PhD (Plant Physiology)...

Gennaro Fazio

Dr. Fazio a plant breeder and research geneticist with the USDA-ARS Plant Genetic Resources Unit in Geneva, NY. He is the Lead Scientist in the collaborative effort to breed the Geneva® series of apple rootstocks. As such, the focus of his research is to develop new apple rootstocks that are...

Ted DeJong

Distinguished Professor & Pomologist Emeritus, Department of Plant Sciences Specialist, UC Cooperative ExtensionUniversity of California, Davis Areas of ExpertiseEnvironmental physiology; tree crop physiology; carbon partitioning and crop modeling; pomology; physiology and management of fruit tree crops; peach rootstock development and physiology; dried plum breeding. HonorsFellow, International Society for Horticultural Science...

Prof. Luigi Bavaresco

He got theDegree (“Laurea”) in Agricultural Sciences, by “Università Cattolica S. Cuore, Piacenza (Italy) on 1980, where he is  Professor of Viticulture. He got the Doctoral Degree in Agricultural Sciences with a designated emphasis in Viticulture, by Ecole National Supérieure Agronomique (E.N.S.A.), Montpellier (France), on 1991.  He was appointed Director...

Valeriu V. Cotea,

Valeriu V. Cotea, PhD in Oenology and Viticulture, is full professor of Oenology and has over30 years of experience in adult and VET education, as well as experience in managing andcoordinating transnational projects in the field of scientific research.At the moment, he is the scientific secretary of the Oenology Commission...

Bartolomeo DICHIO

Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures: Architecture, Environment, Cultural Heritage University of Basilicata. Born in Montescaglioso (Italy) on 10th of February 1967, he obtained his 1st degree in Agricultural Science at the University of Basilicata (Italy) in 1991. Three years later in 1994 he received his PhD in “Plant Productivity”....

Bruno Mezzetti

Title of paper: Breeding strategies for new resilient cultivars for berry production About 30 years of academic and research career have focused on different aspects of genetics, genetic improvement, biotechnology and cultivation systems in order to improve the sustainability and quality of fruit production, with particular attention to the possible...

David Percival

David Percival (Ph.D.) is a Professor of Plant Physiology and Director of the Wild BlueberryResearch Program at Dalhousie University. He is presently the Chair of ISHS’s Vaccinium Speciesand Management Working Group and is organizing the 13 th International Vaccinium Symposiumwhich is scheduled to occur from 24 to 29 August 2024,...

Savini Gianluca

Title of paper: Raspberry primocane and floricane genotype, different plants type and fruit cycles manipulation  Savini Gianluca (PhD), director of raspberry breeding program and advisor office in Sant’OrsolaS.c.a, Italy. Presently the Chair of ISHA’s Rubus and Ribes Working Group and Convener of 14 thInternational Rubus and Ribes Symposium on July...


(Invited Speaker Session 1: Plant genetic resources and ornamental breeding) Agnès Ricroch is a senior lecturer in evolutionary genetics and plant breeding at AgroParisTech (Palaiseau, France) and Adjunct Professor at Pennsylvania State University, College of Agricultural Sciences (USA) where she teaches biotechnology and bioethics since 2016.  She is a researcher...


(Invited Speaker Session 2: Sustainability and quality of ornamentals) Danny Geelen is a plant biologist with broad interest in plant biotechnology and leads HortiCell, a research unit at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University. HortiCell performs research in plant tissue culture, (regeneration and adventitious rooting), plant biostimulants and sexual...

Julian C. Verdonk

(Invited Speaker Session 3: Flower physiology and post-harvest of ornamentals. This presentation will relate to the symposium Postharvest and horticultural products quality- S10) Julian Verdonk is a postharvest physiologist with a background in molecular plant physiology and specialized metabolites. He obtained his PhD at the university of Amsterdam on the...

Silvia Scaramuzzi

(Invited Speaker Session 4: Consumer demands and market for ornamentals) Silvia Scaramuzzi is Associate Professor in Agri-food and Territorial Marketing and Economics of Ornamental Markets at the University of Florence (Italy). Her research is focused on rural development with particular attention to: rural tourism and agritourism, conservation and valorization of...

Michael Martin

Michael Martin is a Senior Researcher at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and Professor (Adjunct) of Sustainable Production and Consumption Systems at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. His current research focuses primarily on sustainable food systems, where he leads a team of researchers, postdocs and PhD...

Craig Verzone

Craig Verzone is co-founder of Verzone Woods Architectes, a collaborative multi-disciplinary studio working within the overlapping realms of landscape, urban design, andarchitecture. Their work highlights the interdependence and reciprocity between buildingand open space. Extending practice into research and looping results back to projectdevelopment is part of the process, as deployed...


Doina Petrescu is Chair of Architecture and Design Activism at the University of Sheffield and Jubilee Professor 2022 at Chalmers University Gothenburg.  She is also co-founder with Constantin Petcou of Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée (urbantactics.org),  a Paris-based collective platform  which conducts actions and research on participatory urbanism and architecture, involving local residents in...

Georgios Tsoktouridis

George is a researcher in floriculture at the Institute of Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization Demeter, Thessaloniki, Greece. A scientist with a Ph.D. from Imperial College (U.K.) in plant tissue culture, a Postdoctoral fellowship from University of Scranton, Pennsylvania, (USA) in molecular comparative genomics and...

Ioan Zagrai

  Ioan Zagrai Graduated in Agronomy by the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca (1994), he obtained his PhD degree (2003) in plant breeding investigating “Plum resistance to Plum pox virus and its breeding by conventional methods”, and became senior scientist in 2004. Between 2004-2019 he held the...

Anikó Veres

Title of paper: Molecular markers as possible tools for gene conservation Anikó Veres is an associate professor of Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences. She is the leader of the MSc course in Agricultural Biotechnology and the deputy director of the education of the Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology. Her...

Nikos Tsoulias

Nikos Tsoulias, Senior researcher and lecturer at Hochschule Geisenheim University. Dr. Nikos Tsoulias holds a PhD in Agricultural Engineering from the Agricultural University of Athens (Greece) since 2021. He received his M.Sc. in Precision Farming (2016) at Harper Adams University (United Kingdom) fully funded by CNH Industrial, while he holds...

Trim Bresilla

Trim Bresilla, a researcher at Wageningen University and Research, brings a wealth of expertise and enthusiasm to the field of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Computer Vision. Holding a PhD from the University of Bologna in Italy, Trim focused on the intersection of robotics and artificial intelligence in agriculture. His academic...

Dr. Bhimu Patil

Dr. Bhimu Patil is the Regents Professor and Inaugural Leonard Pike University Professor aswell as Director of the Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center of the Texas A&M Universityand Director of USDA National Center of Excellence for Melons. He also serves as Love Tito’sEndowed Professor at Texas A&M University. He has...

Angelo Zanella

Angelo Zanella is a dedicated researcher and professional currently holding positions at the Research Centre Laimburg (Italy) as head of the Institute for Mountain Agriculture and Food Technology and as leader of the Research Group for Storage and Postharvest Biology, furthermore he is lecturer in the latter field at the...


(Invited Speaker Session 3: Flower physiology and post-harvest of ornamentals. This presentation will relate to the symposium Postharvest and horticultural products quality- S10) Julian Verdonk is a postharvest physiologist with a background in molecular plant physiology and specialized metabolites. He obtained his PhD at the university of Amsterdam on the...

Prof. Xiuxin Deng

Prof. Xiuxin Deng, Born in Nov.1961. Xiuxin Deng, professor of Huazhong Agriculultural University; Member and vice president of Chinese Acadmy of Engineering.The president of Chinese Society of Hortiuclure. He got his Ph.D degree in Huazhong Agrcultural University in 1987.He has bee research on citrus germplasm enhancement and genetic improvement. He...

Dr. Loekie Schreefel


A country of captivating stories, unique sites, beautiful scenery and amazing personalities, Romania is a surprising land. Seven Romanian landmarks are declared UNESCO patrimony. We invite you to discover them - from the Danube Delta, the painted churches in the north of Moldavia, the Dacian Fortresses of the Orastie Mountains, the historic center of Sighisoara, to the Horezu Monastery, the villages with the fortified churches in Transylvania, and the wooden churches in Maramures.

Abstract submission program

Item Deadline
Start of abstract submission 01 May 2023
Deadline for abstract submission 29 February 2024
Abstract modification 21 March 2024
Fulltext paper submission 15 April 2024
Fulltext paper modification 01 May 2024
Submit an abstract


Known for its wide, tree-lined boulevards, glorious Belle Époque buildings and a reputation for the high life (which in the 1900s earned its nickname of "Little Paris"), Bucharest, Romania's largest city and capital, is today a bustling metropolis.

Bucharest City Tour

Program S06

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