Prof. Xiuxin Deng

Prof. Xiuxin Deng, Born in Nov.1961. Xiuxin Deng, professor of Huazhong Agriculultural University; Member and vice president of Chinese Acadmy of Engineering.The president of Chinese Society of Hortiuclure.
He got his Ph.D degree in Huazhong Agrcultural University in 1987.He has bee research on citrus germplasm enhancement and genetic improvement. He and his group colleagues have bred early navel orange ‘Zaohong’ and late variety ‘Zongcheng’, as are commercially grown in the industry. Recenly, his research has generated new knowledge on polyembyony, oil-gland formation and fruit coloration traits of citrus via multi-omics and special germplasm of citrus, the mini-citrus.
He was awarded the‘Outstanding International Horticulturist’by ASHS (American Society of Horticulture Science) in 2011, and the fellow of ISC (International Society of Citriculture)in 2012.