S04. Viticulture and Winemaking between Tradition and Innovation
In accordance with the strategy of the International Organization of Wine and Vine, this symposium proposes several topics related to the traditional viticulture and oenology, but it is especially open to the new developments and innovations, having a particular focus on sustainability in both viticulture and enology.
Main topics
- Environmentally friendly viticulture and biodiversity in the vineyard
- Use of traditional and new grape varieties in vineyards
- Sustainable viticultural practices, mechanization and automation
- Viticultural landscape and heritage conservation. Viticulture and territory.
- Digital technologies in viticulture
- Impact of climate change on viti-vinicultural and wine production
- Solutions that limit the use of inputs and improve environmental performance
- Wine tourism (oenoturism)
- Sustainable oenological practices for wine and wine-based beverages
- Fermented and unfermented products obtained using local grape varieties (including resistant ones)
- Waste and management of by-products
- Strategies for marketing vine and wine products; sustainable development of market growth and globalization
- Wine and vine safety, quality, health and well being
For abstract submission, an active ISHS membership is needed (https://www.ishs.org/members).
If you are not yet an ISHS member and want to pay the membership within the Congress fee (https://ehc.usamv.ro/congress-participant/) – (Non ISHS members, including ACTA), you can ask for a voucher to secretariat@ehc.usamv.ro. Your membership will be active and you can submit the abstracts.
For more information/details please contact secretariat@ehc.usamv.ro

Biochemist by profession, holder of a doctorate in Japan in agricultural chemistry and one in Romania in sparkling wines, Arina Antoce dedicated herself to research and education in the field of winemaking, in which she continuously specialized, becoming Professor of Oenology and PhD coordinator at USAMV Bucharest.
For more than ten years, she has been the coordinator of the university master's degree "Performance technologies, Management and Viti-wine Marketing" held at USAMV Bucharest.
Arina Antoce is expert and delegate of Romania (from the Ministry of Agriculture) to the International Organization of Vine and Wine, evaluator of European projects, expert taster and panel leader in many international wine competitions, scientific vice-president of the Association of Authorized Tasters from Romania, active participant in the actions of the OENOVITI International Network (Bordeaux, France) as USAMV Bucharest representative.
She coordinated numerous Socrates and Erasmus research and didactic projects, participating for several years in the "VINTAGE International Master of Science", organized by the Ecole Superieur d'Agriculture d'Angers, France and later as a partner in the Erasmus OENOBIO (Organic Vines and Wines – Innovation, production and management) project, coordinated by Bordeaux University.

PhD in Agricultural engineering. Current position: Director of Agrofood Research Department in Madrid Institute of Research, Rural, Food and Agricultural Development (IMIDRA, Spain)
Thirty years of experience in conservation, characterization and evaluation of grapevine genetic resources. Participation in 32 competitive projects funded by regional, national or European entities. Involved in 70 research works. Attendance at 75 Congresses and Conferences. Lecturer in several courses on viticulture. Reviewer in significant scientic journals. Member of the Vitis Working Group in the ECPGR (European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources). Member of the National Commission of Plant Genetic Resources (Spain). Expert in the O.I.V. GENET Group.

Dr. Atak works at Bursa Uludağ University, Agriculture Faculty, Department of Horticulture, Bursa, Türkiye. He studies mainly with table grapes and kiwifruit. He worked as project coordinator on some international projects especially for the development of new grape varieties resistant to biotic stress conditions. He developed and registered new table grape varieties. He also studies climate change effects on grapevine (Vitis spp.) and kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.) plants related to some physiological parameters. Dr.Atak has done many studies on the determination of phenolic components in grapes (Vitis spp.) and their changes after different treatments, as well as on the evaluation of grapes and kiwifruit(Actinidia spp.) by drying and determining their nutritional content.
He is currently the Vice President of Vine and Berry Fruits Division of International Society of Horticultural Science (ISHS). He was the Convener of the “XIII. International Conference on Grapevine Breeding, Genetics and Management” 21-24 August 2023, Turkey (ISHS organization). In addition Dr. Atak is the special issue editor of 5 MDPI journals titled "Effects of Climate Change on Viticulture (Grape)". Dr. Atak has been an invited/keynote speaker at many international events on viticulture, grape breeding, kiwifruit cultivation, kiwifruit breeding and the effects of climate change on viticulture.