Under the auspices

The ISHS is the world's leading independent organization of horticulturists acting as a globally recognized and sought-after platform for research, science-based information exchange and collaboration in support of sustainable innovation in horticulture.
Membership is open to all interested researchers, educators, students and horticultural industry professionals.
The International Society for Horticultural Science - in short ISHS – is a truly global network comprising over 70,000 individuals, universities, governments, institutions, libraries and commercial companies, thousands of whom joined as Individual Members, in addition to a substantial number of Institutional Members and some 50 Member Countries/Regions.
ISHS is a major source of up-to-date information on global horticultural research. ISHS aims to promote research in all branches of horticulture. It encourages the development of international co-operation, bringing together scientific and technical professionals to stimulate, facilitate and co-ordinate research and scientific activities on a global scale.
Under the high patronage of

The Romanian Academy is the highest forum of science and culture in Romania. It was founded on April 1, 1866, under the name of the Romanian Literary Society, which became the Romanian Academic Society on August 1, 1867, and the Romanian Academy in 1879. The Romanian Academy coordinates 70 institutes and research centers, which operate in fundamental fields of science and culture.
Conceived not only as a consecration forum, but also as an active body of scientific research, literary and artistic creation, the Romanian Academy has included among its objectives the realization of works of great significance for Romanian culture and science, within coherent programs and viewing, carried out over decades. These include: language dictionaries, histories and literary dictionaries, linguistic atlases, the treatise on the history of the Romanians, collections of documents regarding the history of the Romanian people, geographical atlases, treatises on chemistry, physics, agronomy, medicine and biology, legal sciences, philosophy, technical dictionaries, bibliographies, independent works or organized in literary and scientific collections and series, due both to its members and to specialists in its research institutes.
ORGANIZER of the congress

University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest is an accredited higher education and research institution, part of the network of higher education institutions of public interest.
Since 1852, we pride ourselves on combining a tradition of research with an open approach to the latest innovations in the field. The results of this sustained effort are visible in the career opportunities our graduates have benefited and continue to benefit from. The need to produce in line with environmental protection standards, stimulating the economy of rural communities, creates such opportunities. We are committed to preparing future USAMV graduates for successful careers in their chosen field by offering courses tailored to international standards.
The fields of study that USAMV covers are: Agronomy, Biology, Forestry, Horticulture, Animal Production Engineering and Management, Veterinary Medicine, Food Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geodetic Engineering, Biotechnologies, Applied Engineering Sciences, Engineering and Management, Engineering and management in agriculture and rural development.
7 Faculties, 9 research centers, 2 green campuses in the heart of Bucharest, 2 research & development stations and over 11,000 students.
You will do practical training in the modern greenhouses of our university, in the Research Center for the Study of Quality Food Product, or in the two didactic stations of USAMV, with tradition since 1893: the Pietroasa Research and Development Station for Viticulture and Winemaking and the Istrița Research and Developement Station for Fruit Growing, as well as at the Moara Domnească Research and Developement Station for Agronomy.
Research Center for the Study of Quality Food Product has 13 multidisciplinary research laboratories and a greenhouse, designed to European standards, providing competitiveness both at national and international level.
„A university for life and agriculture through high quality education and research”

The Romanian Society of Horticulturists is a professional organization founded in 1913 and operates in 40 branches across the country.
The company's mission is to unite all forces and promote the spirit of solidarity to support the interests and rights of horticulturists and winegrowers, the love and passion of practicing this noble occupation.
The society's mission is to unite all forces and promote the spirit of solidarity to support the interests and rights of horticulturists and winegrowers, the love and passion of practicing this noble profession.
Institutional partners

The Romanian Senate is one of the two chambers of the Romanian Parliament (it being bicameral). Just like the other chamber, the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate is elected by universal, free, secret and direct vote by the voting citizens of Romania.
The election of senators is based on Law 208 of 2015 on the election of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies is one of the two chambers of the bicameral Parliament of Romania. Just like the other chamber, the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies is elected by universal, free, secret and direct vote by the voting citizens of Romania.
The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate are elected in the 42 constituencies, by universal, equal, direct, secret and freely expressed vote. The two Chambers have a different number of members: the Chamber of Deputies consists of 332 deputies, and the Senate, of 137 senators. The difference is due to the different rules of representation from one Chamber to another. Thus, the representation norm for the election of the Chamber of Deputies is one deputy per 70,000 inhabitants, and for the election of the Senate it is one senator per 160,000 inhabitants.

The Ministry of Education is the body of the Government of Romania that coordinates the education system in Romania, sets the objectives of the education system as a whole, as well as the educational objectives by levels and education profiles.
In the exercise of its duties, the Ministry of Education consults, as appropriate, the national scientific societies of teaching staff, representative trade union federations at branch level, associative structures of local public administration authorities, as social partners, and nationally recognized student and student organizations.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is the specialized body of the central public administration whose role is to develop, implement and monitor policies and strategies in the fields of agriculture, sustainable forest management and rural development, to ensure the modernization and development of sectoral activities and to guarantee transparency and efficiency in the use of allocated funds.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the public administration institution of the Romanian Government tasked with implementing foreign policy, in accordance with the existing legal framework and the Government’s Program.

Bucharest City Hall is the functional structure with permanent activity that implements the decisions of the General Council and the provisions of the Mayor General, solving the current problems of the local community in Bucharest.

EUFRIN (European Fruit Research Institute Network) is an informal, voluntary organization of university departments and research institutes that specialize in research, development, and extension on temperate fruit crops and which are based within countries of the European Union, Switzerland, and Eastern Europe.
It was set up and held its first meeting in Bonn in 1993, attended by representatives of Germany, France, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, Greece and Italy. In the years since, many more countries have been invited to, and have joined EUFRIN. The current number of represented countries stands to 22 (Membership of and Participants in EUFRIN)
The Board of EUFRIN consists of up to two voluntary representatives from each member country and in addition, the chairpersons of each of its Working Group.
EUFRIN is open to requests for membership of any country of the European Union, and those eligible for participation in COST actions. If you are interested in participating in EUFRIN, please contact the Secretary.
The EUFRIN Board meets annually in one of the participating countries. These meetings are aimed to review the status of activities of the Working Groups; to discuss and establish new Working Groups; to plan and carry out joint activities, such as EU bids, organization of workshops, etc. A common feature of these meetings are updates on EU funding programs, as well as talks given by members of the Board. Each year, members of the Board commit themselves to a topic to be delivered the following year. This provides for an excellent opportunity to discuss fruit research within the European context. The members of the Board have a commitment to disseminate the goals and ideas generated within EUFRIN to other researchers and interested parties in their respective countries, via articles in specialized press, communication via national Scientific Societies, at meetings and conferences, etc.

EUVRIN (European Vegetable Research Institutes Network) is an informal, voluntary organization of research institutes or research institutes departments that specialize in research, development, and extension on vegetable production and which are based within countries of the European Union.
It was set up and held its first meeting in Brussels on February 1 2016, attended by representatives of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. The current number of research institutes stands to 50 (Membership of and Participants in EUVRIN).

High quality, visible and appreciated European life science universities that jointly play an essential role in transitioning to a European and global sustainable bioeconomy and society.
ICA’s mission: to strengthen and promote European life science universities by
1. supporting and enhancing their education, research and innovation on sustainable bioeconomy and society;
2. providing them with platforms for cooperation, joint learning, and for sharing experiences and understanding;
3. representing and engaging its members with European institutions and networks;
4. making the knowledge and experts of member institutions available for transitioning to a sustainable bioeconomy and society across Europe and globally.

The “ICA Regional Network for Central and South Eastern Europe”, in short CASEE, is a network of Central and South Eastern European Higher Education Institutions relating to the Life Science disciplines (agriculture, food, biotechnology, natural resources, rural development and the environment).
CASEE is an international non-profit organization (“internationale vereniging zonder winstoogmerk”/”association internationale sans but lucratif”) governed by the provisions of Title III of the Law of 27 June 1921 on non-profit organizations, international non-profit organizations and foundations, as modified (the “NPO-Law”) - see electronic register. The organisation aims to stimulate and support its member institutions in the development of a European dimension in education and research through the development of concerted actions and in engaging globally.

OIPA PRODCOM is an EU recognized interbranch organization of the Romanian fruit and vegetable sector at national level. The organisation represents structures that are active in the production and marketing of fresh fruits and fresh vegetables in Romania from farm gate to dinner plate.
OIPA PRODCOM's mission is to enable and lead the produce industry by enhancing the market and facilitating trade of fresh fruits and vegetables for its members. At an internal level, OIPA PRODCOM protects the interests of its members in a competitive economy.
The organization has the following structure:
- National Association of Greenhouse and Field Vegetable Producers
255 members (Producer Organizations, Groups, Cooperatives): 150 hectares of heated protected areas
(greenhouses and solariums), 5,500 hectares of cold protected areas (greenhouses and solariums). - Association of Fruit Producers from Transylvania
21 members (Producer Organizations, Groups, Cooperatives): 1,100 hectares of orchards. - Association of Fruit Producers from Moldova
128 members (Producer Organizations, Groups, Cooperatives): 1,835 hectares of orchards. - National Association of Mushroom Producers 33 members (Producer Organizations, Groups, Cooperatives)
- The Canned Food Producer Association Romconserv
21 members : 21 modernized processing factories with a capacity of 2,000,000 tons of raw material
OIPA ProdCom Legume Fructe plays an economic, social, and environmental role in the agriculture
sector at the Romanian national level.