Valeriu V. Cotea,

Valeriu V. Cotea, PhD in Oenology and Viticulture, is full professor of Oenology and has over
30 years of experience in adult and VET education, as well as experience in managing and
coordinating transnational projects in the field of scientific research.
At the moment, he is the scientific secretary of the Oenology Commission of the
International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) and the Romanian representative to the
OIV. He is/was project coordinator of over 20 projects implemented locally and nationally by
USAMV Iasi and was/ is a team member of over 60 national and international educational
and research projects.
He leads a team of young researchers, PhDs and PhD students, all involved in different
areas of vine technologies, wine making processes and analyses. The competences of the
team include oenology and other special winemaking technologies, Viticulture and modern
technologies aimed at analysing vine ecology, merceology and vine and wine legislation. The
activity of his team is reflected in an impressive number of scientific materials, articles and
manuals, but also in a high number of professional awards and prizes.
Although his competences incline more towards the wine-making domain, he is in deep
contact with all the Romanian vine growing and wine making producers. Prof. Cotea has
more than 30 years experience working in the wine and grape industry, teaching and
conducting research. He has taught face to face, hybrid, online and extension classes at
University of Agriculture, Athens, Greece, Geisenheim University, Germany. He is member of
the editing committee for several scientific journals, such as Oeno One, Mitteilungen
Klosterneuburg etc. A strong believer in learning by doing, he is focused on the concept
“vine to wine,” since the grape grower work is ultimately reflected in the quality of the wine.

Program S06

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