Sustainable Vegetable Production from Seed to Health Booster Sources
Among the world production of primary crops, vegetable production has a share of 12% after cereals and sugar crops while the value of vegetable production accounted for 20% of the total in 2020. The increasing value and amount of production are related to the importance of vegetables in human nutrition and health. Consumer’s demand in terms of food quality, safety and security drives the research toward enhancing vegetable quality for human wellbeing. The sustainability of the production process is at present a key issue for the environmental impact along with social and economic values, as well as the adaptation of crops to the climate changes. Thus, strategies suitable to improve the efficiency of production systems and their resilience are relevant in order to produce healthy and safe products.
The symposium will provide an excellent opportunity for participants to present their research regarding efficient and sustainable vegetable production; we will gather together and disseminate all the expertise and knowledge in this area.
Main topics
- Seed production,
- Seedling physiology and nursery technology,
- Grafting,
- Physiology of vegetable crops,
- Plant growing, nutrition and irrigation,
- Protected cultivation systems,
- Soilless culture systems,
- Sustainable practices and innovations,
- Pest and disease control,
- Strategies for the control of biotic and abiotic stress factors
- Enhancement of quality and healthy products
- Reduce, reuse and recycle approaches in the system
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Ms. Silvana Nicola, PhD in Horticulture from University of Florida, USA, Full Professor at University of Torino, DISAFA; Dean of the Research Group on Horticulture and Landscape, leader of the Group HORTICULTURE-VEGMAP, inhortosanitas; President of the Commission in Foreign Affairs of DISAFA.
Dr. Nicola is the immediate past Secretary of the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), elected Member of the Board of Directors in 2018. She is the past Vice-President of the ISHS, Coordinator of the Scientific Program, elected Member of the Board of Directors in 2014. Dr. Nicola is President of EUVRIN, the European Vegetables Research Institutes Network, since 2017. She is member of three Focus Groups of the EIP-AGRI of the European Commission: Focus Group on Fertilizer efficiency - Focus on horticulture in open field (since 2014); Focus Group on Circular Horticulture (since 2017) and Focus Group on Plant-based medicinal and cosmetic products (since 2019).
Silvana Nicola is specialized in Horticulture, specifically on Vegetables, Aromatic plants, Soil and Soilless Culture, Hydroponics, Vertical and Indoor Farming, Protected Cultivation, Pre- and Postharvest handling and processing, Quality and Safety, Supply Chain Management and Efficiency Systems, Fresh-cut produce chain, Aromatic plant post-harvest processes, Advanced culture systems, Vertical Farming, Urban and Rural Horticulture Development. She has an H-Index of 23, with 97 papers and 1562 citations (Scopus database, Jan. 2023). Recently, she has been leader of the project EIT FOOD ‘From Leaf to Root’ (H2020 KIK 2020, leader for UNITO); she is participating in the EU Project SMARTCHAIN (H2020, leader and coordinator for UNITO), BIOENPRO4TO (POR FESR 2014/2020, leader and coordinator for DISAFA-UNITO) and VFarm (PRIN 2020 – MUR, leader and coordinator for DISAFA-UNITO).
Prof. Dr. Nicola has been a Fulbright Scholar in the USA (6 months, 1992-1993); a Research Assistant at the University of Florida, USA (4 years, 1993-1996); an International Visiting Scientist at the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain (3 months 2003; 6 months, 2014); a Visiting Professor at the Hokkaido University, Japan (3 months, 2015); a Visiting Full Professor at the Kyoto University, Japan (4 months, 2016). Dr. Nicola has a tenure position at the University of Turin since 1996.
Mr. Vasile Stoleru, PhD in Horticulture and Full professor at University of Life Sciences, Iasi, Romania. He graduates the Faculty of Horticulture of Iasi, in 1999, master science in Plant protection in 2001 and Horticulture PhD in 2008, specializing in organic vegetable growing. Member of prestigious national and international societies in the field of horticulture and organic agriculture: American Society for Horticulture Sciences (ASHS), International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), European Society for New Methods in Agricultural Research (ESNA), Organic Farmers Association of Romania (BIOTERRA), Vice-president of Romanian Society of Horticulture (RSH), Agricultural History Society and Retrology from Romania. He as published over 190 scientific papers in the field organic vegetable farming, from which 56 are ISI indexed. Mr. Stoleru has an H-Index of 14, with 907 citations. Prof. Stoleru is associated member of Romanian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, author and co-author over 20 field books; director, scientific responsible or member in 34 national and international projects. Prof Stoleru is expert at European Commission on the Organic Core axis.
He has competencies on vegetable production; organic horticulture and biodiversity; organic agricultural production.
Agnieszka Sekara (Poland); Andreas Baumgarten (Austria); Astrit Balliu (Albania); Audrius Sasnauskas (Lithuania); Bart Vandecasteele (Belgium); Cédric Camps (Switzerland); Creola Brezeanu (Romania); Daniel Leskovar (USA); Dimitros Savvas (Greece); Elena Draghici (Romania); Eliza Teodorescu (Romania); Eric Brajeul (France); Fatima Baptista (Portugal); Ferdinando Branca (Italy); Gabriel Teliban (Romania); Gianluca Caruso (Italy); Graça Palha (Portugal); Hakan Aktas (Türkiye); Hamide Gubuk (Türkiye); In-bok Lee (South Korea); Ingunn Vaagen (Norway) Jana Zinkernagel (Germany); Jim Monaghan (United Kingdom); Juan Fernandez (Spain); Kristina Ugrinović (Slovenia); Lars Mogren (Sweden); Malcom Borg (Malta); Martine Dorais (Canada); Miclós Pék (Hungary); Mihaela Rosca (Romania); Nadia Bertin (France); Nazim Gruda (Germany); Nikolai Velkov (Bulgaria); Nikolaos Katsoulas (Greece); Nikolaos Tzortzakis (Cyprus); Nina Toth (Croatia); Raluca-Oana Rusu (Romania); Robert Pokluda (Czech Republic); Rukie Agic (North Macedonia); Silke Hemming (Netherlands); Tatiana Novac (Republic of Moldova); Wim Voogt (Netherlands); Yüksel Tüzel (Türkiye)