Simone Borelli, FAO, Italy

Mr. Simone Borelli holds a first degree in Forest Science from the Universitá della Tuscia, Italy, an M. Sc. in Watershed Management from the University of Arizona and Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management from the University of London.  He has worked for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) for over 20 years in different positions and is currently responsible for the Urban Forestry of the Forestry Division.  In this capacity, he provides technical support to FAO field projects, provides policy advice to member countries and develops technical publications. He is one of the creators of the World Forum on Urban Forestry and the Tree Cities of the World programme. In addition to FAO, he has also worked for WWF, IPGRI (now Bioversity) and as a consultant for public institutions and the private sector. 

Program S06

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