Anna Artemyeva, N.I.Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR), Russia

Dr. Anna Artemeva, Head of Department of Genetic Resources of Vegetable Crops and Cucurbits, Federal Research Centre All-Russian N.I.Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR), Russian Federation
The worldwide collection of vegetable crops consists of more than 52.4 thousands accessions. The fundamental objectives of scientific activities are collection and prebreeding evaluation of natural biodiversity: variability, genetics, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, biochemical composition, DNA analysis, and determination of the sources of agronomically valuable traits for breeding programs.
The main directions of the investigations are determination of the objective laws of Brassicaceae intraspecific botanical and agrobiological variability, diversity in resistance to clubroot, black rot, cabbage moth and scoop; analysis of accumulation of glucosinolates, complex biochemical composition of consumption plant parts, QTL and association mapping.
Dr. Artemeva is author of 17 cultivars of vegetable crops including in State Register of cultivars available to growing in Russian Federation.

Program S06

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