Agri Logic Systemes based in New Caledonia and in France, expert in horticultural engineering, has been providing innovative solutions for more than 20 years for soilless crop systems and greenhouses

Its currents challenges are:

-Develop innovative cropping processes adapted to all types of agro-climatic contexts

-Provide sustainable solutions to the problems of vegetable growers and horticulturists around the world, while respecting the environmental and techno-economic challenges for tomorrow.

Agrilogic is currently working on 2 projects:

The AGRINEA® greenhouse (innovation award 2022: TEC4good /Agrinove and nomination SIVAL)

- This new model of fully enclosed, insect and hurricane-proof greenhouse is equipped with an innovative 100% solar thermo-regulation system with exhaust fan placed on the greenhouse ridge.

The GOPONIC® XXL gutter

- New intelligent gutter for large volume bulk substrates, it will be the first gutter on the market to use new substrates from recycling organic product.

Program S06

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